Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I've noticed...

I must say...

My last two weeks have been a whirlwind of people, bus rides, adventures, textbooks and independence. Slowly the faces in the crowd become more familiar and less random and slowly things start to make sense and fall into routine.

This new lifestyle has definitely shown me that I can handle it, that I can manage as a self sufficient person and even though sometimes its hard and I wish I could just have someone else do it for me ( like my parents or a strong guy ), the feeling of accomplishment is totally worth the effort.

I’ve learned to appreciate the daily small things like public transportation which I’ve discovered allows me to interact with people and meet someone new and interesting almost every day. And with every conversation I become aware & realize how ridiculously big and diverse this world is.My sleeping schedule is absolutely outta control and I need to organize myself when it comes to that, I haven’t been able to figure everything out just yet. Sometimes I straight up think I’ll go crazy bananas & then reality brings me back with a text that makes me smile, a phone call that eases my mind, or a simple compliment from a stranger passing by.

I’m here to soak it all up, learn as much as I can & take advantage of every opportunity; attend every event and smile whenever possible.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Video Games Anyone?

That was the victorious little screen I spent that summer trying to achieve, over and over and over again! and so I must say this is actually kind of a hard question for me to answer, that being which was my favorite video game as a child, because I never really played video games much. It was always something that caught my interest only temporarily and I never had the time or enough interest to really grow a passion or habit out of it. However, I do remember that one summer my cousin flew in to spend vacation with us and she brought that handheld thing called Gameboy Color. Hers was purple I remember. I don't know how many packs of AA batteries we went through that summer, but the hours we spent playing and clearing every world level in Super Mario Brothers are definitely vivid in my head. And so forever that little tune that occasionally turns up as someone's ringtone will remind me of the endless nights and the serious collaboration of my little brother my cousin and I as we successfully beat the game by the time she boarded her plane back home.

Mario is a classic, we all grew up with him & we'll always unconditionally follow him on his journey to save Princess Peach